Lake rejuvenation helps fish farming in Bidar
Staff Correspondent
Bidar: The rejuvenation of lakes by the Jala Samvardhana Yojana Sangha (JSYS) is leading to a revolution in fisheries development in Bidar district.
Lakes that were unable to sustain any marine life due to silt, or shallow water levels were developed to support large scale fish farming. Inland fisheries has a huge potential in the district as the temperature inside the tanks is between 32-38 degree Celsius.
The abundant growth of plankton and other plants also supports forming of fish in these tanks, says Anil Kumar, a fish expert at JSYS.
Thirty-six tanks in three taluks have been developed this way. Heavy monsoon rains last year ensured that all these tanks were overflowing.
Mr. Anil Kumar led the fish farming experiment in 12 tanks in the first phase as a livelihood option. A total of 84 youth, eight from each tank development society, were trained in inland fish farming.
They were given some seed money and materials like fish nets.
As many as five lakh fingerlings were dropped in the tanks. They contain edible varieties like Common Carp, Rahu, Katla and Mrugal. The number of common carp fingerlings was twice that of other varieties, owing to its demand in the market.